Institute for Applied Microeconomics
The research conducted at the Institute for Applied Microeconomics (IAME) covers a broad range of topics, including
- labor economics, the economics of education, and human development,
- preference formation, evolution of social norms, and cognitive and affective determinants of decision-making,
- health and environmental economics,
- industrial organization, managerial economics, and personnel economics.
In our research, we apply microeconomic theory, we conduct lab and field experiments, we analyze survey and administrative data using state-of-the-art microeconometric methods, and we collaborate with psychologists and neuroscientists.

January 2025
The article “Training in late careers — A structural approach” by Teresa Backhaus was published in Labour Economics.

November 2024
The article “Is pro-environmental effort affected by information about others’ behavior?” by Sebastian Kube and coauthors was published in Ecological Economics.

November 2024
The article “On the Impact of Information Manipulation in Democratic Elections” by Matthias Kräkel and coauthors was published in the International Economic Review. And the article “Corruption and Stooges in Procurement” by Matthias Kräkel was published in Marketing Science.

October 2024
The articles “Inequality and risk preference” and “The value of commuting time, flexibility, and job security: Evidence from current and recent jobseekers in Flanders” by Thomas Dohmen and coauthors were published in the Journal of Risk and Uncertainty and Labour Economics, respectively. And the article “Does a single dose of testosterone increase willingness to compete, confidence, and risk-taking in men? Evidence from two randomised placebo-controlled experiments” by Thomas Dohmen, Armin Falk, and coauthors was published in Hormones and Behavior.

October 2024
Aapo Stenhammar has joined the Institute for Applied Microeconomics as Juniorprofessor. Welcome to IAME, Aapo!

September 2024
The article “A note on motivated cognition and discriminatory beliefs” by Lasse Stötzer and Florian Zimmermann was published in Games and Economic Behavior.
How to find us
Our offices are located at
- Lennéstraße 43 (Professors Dohmen, Falk, Kube, Mink, and von Gaudecker);
- Juridicum/Adenauerallee 24–42 (Professor Budde, Fetzer, Hoppe-Fischer, and Kräkel);
- ECONtribute, Niebuhrstraße 5 (Professors Boneva, Kőszegi, Schiprowski, and Schwank);
- IZA, Schaumburg-Lippe-Straße 5–9 (Professor Zimmermann);
- BGSE, Kaiserstraße 1 (Professor emeritus Schweizer).