Universität Bonn

Department of Economics / BGSE

Bonn Graduate School of Economics
Main Building of the University of Bonn
Have a look at our recent placements
Bonn Graduate Philipp Strack wins Clark Medal
The Clark Medal is widely regarded as one of the most prestigious awards in the field of economics.
Bonn Graduate School of Economics
Have a look at our recent placements
Bonn Graduate Philipp Strack wins Clark Medal

Bonn Graduate School of Economics

The Bonn Graduate School of Economics (BGSE) invites students from around the world to join our combinded MSc/PhD program in economics. At the BGSE, you will have the chance to study and do research, entirely in English, in a supportive and intellectually demanding environment. We foster a cooperative team spirit among our student body.

The BGSE pursues research activities in the following five research areas:

  • Microeconomic Theory
  • Management and Applied Microeconomic
  • Financial Economics
  • Macroeconomics and Public Economics
  • Econometrics and Statistics

Our doctoral students receive grants to cover living expenses.

Many graduates of our doctoral program are now in leading academic positions.

Philipp Strack
© Philipp Strack

Philipp Strack, winner of the Clark Medal and BGSE Alumnus

"I associate the University of Bonn above all with my co-authors and friends, as well as my time as a student, which I enjoyed very much. I am grateful for the world-class education I received at the University of Bonn and especially at the Bonn Graduate School of Economics, which made my academic career possible."

Job Market Candidates 2024/25 and Placements 2023

In 2023, our job market candidates received various offers and decided to continue their academic careers at the following universities and research institutions:

  • Bocconi University, Milan, Italy
  • Erasmus School of Economics Rotterdam, Netherlands
  • Paris-Saclay University, France
  • University of Oxford, UK
  • University of Manchester, UK
  • Aalto University, Helsinki
  • California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, USA
  • TED University, Ankara, Turkey
  • European Stability Mechanism (ESM), Luxembourg
  • National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge (MA), USA
© Barbara Frommann / Universität Bonn

Our Program 

Doctoral Program (PhD) with integrated MSc Economic Research

  • Duration:
    • MSc: 2 years
    • PhD: 3 years
  • Degrees: Master of Science and Doctoral Degree
  • Beginning of study: Winter Semester
  • Application period: once a year from end of November until January 15 (online)
Bonn Graduate School of Economics
© Bosse & Meinhard

News and Events of Our Department
Save The Date: The Manchot Lecture with Dirk Bergemann on May 06, 2025
The annual Manchot Lecture, featuring Dirk Bergemann, is scheduled to take place on May 06, 2025, starting at 16:00 at the Universitätsclub Bonn. This event, open to the public, welcomes all individuals interested in contemporary economics research. Title of Lecture and other further details will be announced in due course. Bergemann's research is in the area of game theory, contract theory, venture capital, and market design. His most recent work is in the area of auction and information design. His research is supported by grants from the National Science Foundation, the Sloan Foundation, the Knight Foundation, the Omidyar Network and Google. (excerpt taken from https://economics.yale.edu/people/dirk-bergemann)
Application period is over
The application period has ended as of January 15. We wish the best of luck to all applicants!
Bonn graduate Philipp Strack receives award from WirtschaftsWoche
"Philipp Strack from Bonn is one of the world's most research-oriented economists. Some even consider the young Yale professor a candidate for the Nobel Prize” is how WirtschaftsWoche explains its choice. With the “Deutschlands 30 bis 2030” initiative, WirtschaftsWoche honors people from Germany who “encourage others with their ideas, projects or companies, create innovations and breakthroughs and are exemplary in their field”. Economist Philipp Strack, who graduated from the Department of Economics at the University of Bonn and completed his doctorate at the Bonn Graduate School of Economics, is one of the 30 award winners in 2024.
Information Meeting for Advanced BA and MA Students in Economics Interested in Pursuing a Doctoral Degree
The Bonn Graduate School of Economics invites to an Information Meeting for Advanced BA and MA Students in Economics Interested in Pursuing a Doctoral Degree - November 25 & 26, 2024.
BGSE application period starts 15 November 2024
The Bonn Graduate School of Economics invites qualified students to apply for admission of the combined MSc/PhD program. Interested students with a bachelor's or master's degree in economics or related disciplines are welcome to hand in their documents until January 15, 2025.
Bonn Graduate Philipp Strack wins Clark Medal
Economist Philipp Strack, who is a University of Bonn graduate and additionally took his doctorate at the Bonn Graduate School of Economics, has received the John Bates Clark Medal—considered the second most prestigious award in the field of economics after the Nobel Prize. The medal is awarded by the American Economic Association (AEA) to economists under age forty living in the United States who have made significant scholarly and research contributions in the field of economics.
Winter holidays
The BGSE office will be closed for the holidays from December 20th to January 3rd. Happy holidays and best wishes for a healthy and peaceful new year!
BGSE application period starts December, 2023
The Bonn Graduate School of Economics invites qualified students to apply for admission of the combined MSc/PhD program. Interested students with a bachelor's or master's degree in economics or related disciplines are welcome to hand in their documents until March 15, 2024. There is an early admission round for complete applications handed in before January 15.
Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.
© Barbara Frommann / Universität Bonn

Manchot Lecture

The annual lectures are delivered by internationally distinguished experts and address a general audience interested in economic research.

Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.
© colourbox

BGSE's doctoral student exchange programs

The BGSE is a founding partner of the European Doctoral Program (EDP) and has established further exchange programs with other renowned universities abroad, such as Berkeley and Yale.

Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.
© Frank Homann / Universität Bonn

Department of Economics

The main research fields of our faculty include game theory, applied microeconomics, monetary and international macroeconomics, contract theory, labour economics and finance.

Job Market

We are particularly proud of the success of our graduates in the academic world but also in research-related organizations and in the private sector.

Our alumni have obtained prestigious positions at universities in the U.S. (e.g., Harvard, Berkeley, Penn, UCLA, Michigan, Minnesota), in Europe (e.g., University of Oxfrod, University College London, Pompeu Fabra, Tilburg, Carlos III, Stockholm, Zurich) and in Germany (e.g., Mannheim, Munich, Berlin, Cologne). In addition, many alumni are currently in the non-academic sector (e.g., European Central Bank, German Central Bank, Bank of England, U.S. Federal Reserve Board, McKinsey & Company, Boston Consulting Group).

Get to Know Our Team


Get to know our economic experts' teaching, research, and supervision.


Get to know our current doctoral students.


In terms of questions regarding the program, application and much more our team members are happy to help.

Our Partners and Sponsors

The BGSE has strong collaborations with the following local and international partners.

Some of these partners provide generous financial support to the BGSE and its students:

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