Post-exam review dates

As a rule, students have to go to the exam inspections offered by the lecturers. This is also true if you cannot attend the exam inspection and are offered an alternative inspection date at the relevant department. In case you cannot/could not attend, you may apply for an exam by mail to the Prüfungsamt (Examination Office) if you offer an explanation as to why you could not attend the regular exam inspection.
Please note that the Examination Office does not have the exam paper with the questions or a sample solution and that questions regarding the exam cannot be answere

  • Klausureinsicht Macroeconomics
    05.04.2024, 10:00 Uhr, Institut für Makroökonomik und Ökonometrie, Kaiserplatz 7-9, 4. Stock

If you cannot attend an exam inspection you may send a proxy. Please find out about how to authorize a proxy at the Examination Office.

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