Economics Examination Office

Important & News

29.01.2025: The on-site office hour on 28.02.2025 is canceled. Alternatively, we offer a Zoom office hour on 28.02.2025 from 11-12 a.m. (access data see below). The Examination Office is closed on 3.3.2025 (Rosenmontag).

27.01.2025: Withdrawal from registered examinations can be made without giving reasons by deregistering via the electronic examination account at by 20.01.2025 (1 week before the start of the examination phase). A justified withdrawal (e.g. due to illness) is still possible after this date, but must be reported and substantiated immediately by submitting the relevant evidence (doctor's note or similar).
In the event of withdrawal after the assignment has been issued (i.e. participation in the examination), a doctor must be consulted on the same day (if necessary via the medical on-call service, if the doctor's surgery is already closed,, information under Tel.: 116117)) and the illness must be reported on the same day. You can find further information and forms here (“Exam withdrawal”).

24.01.2025: The exam planning incl. exam rooms has been updated - please note the change of exam rooms.

06.12.2024: Bachelor and Master thesis allocations for supervisors for the deadline December 1st, 2024 has taken place. You can find the updated list of supervisors on our website with the information on theses.

21.11.2024: The examination office is open again during regular office hours.

16.10.2024: The information on the duration and format of the exams in the winter semester 2024/25 has just been published under Dates.

Please check your name, especially the first name(s) on your student ID card or in BASIS for correctness and completeness. If there are any irregularities, please contact the Registrar's Office immediately.

04.04.2024: The Exam Office Dates and Deadlines can be imported into your calender app.
As changes cannot as yet be incorporated automatically, please check the static website regularly (->publish date).


The Economics Examinations Office serves as the examination authority for all courses offered by the Department of Economics and students from other faculties who take modules at the Department of Economics. You can contact the Examinations Office with any questions you may have such as for example:

  • Admission and registration for the examination procedure
  • Transfer of credits procedure (change of study location and subject/study abroad)
  • Enrollment in courses (e.g. Academic research and writing in the Bachelor's program, Research modules in the Master's program)
  • Examinations (e.g. registrations, cancellations, withdrawals)
  • Examination procedure
  • Certificates (e.g. for Foreigners' Office, BAföG, final credits)
  • Transcripts of record with only passed exams
  • Theses
  • Graduation certificates
  • Stamped transcripts
  • Electronic study accounts

Office Hours

Visitor Address

Juridicum, Room 0.018-0.022
(behind Lecture Hall K)

Postal Address

Adenauerallee 24-42
53113 Bonn
Phone.: 0228 73-9188
Fax.: 0228 73-99 9188

Presence Office Hours

Thu: 10:00 - 12:00 am
Fr: 10:00 - 12:00 am
(without registration, possibly with waiting time)

Zoom Office Hours

Tue: 10:00 - 11:00 (without registration, with waiting room)

Joining via browser

Joining via link

  • Meeting ID: 983 6848 9857
  • Password: 940679

Telephone Office Hours

Mon: 11:00 - 12:00
Phone: 0228 73-9188


Avatar Rohleder

Viktoria Rohleder

Managing Director
Avatar Hausmann

Liesa Hausmann

Avatar Kolb

Sylvia Kolb

Avatar Simon

Astrid Simon

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