Global Exchange Program

As part of your Bachelor's degree in Economics or your Master's degree in Economics, you can also opt for a semester abroad outside Europe. The Global Exchange Program offers the opportunity to study at partner universities of the University of Bonn in Asia, Australia, Latin America or North America.

Since the application procedure is carried out by the International Affairs Department, it is advisable to attend an advising session there as well.

Global Exchange Program

The program is organized by the International Office, you can find all further information here:

Participating partner universities

You can find the participating partner universities with a brief description and information on study opportunities in the world map view here:

Personal consulting

Advice on the application, range of courses and credit transfer options is available from the International Coordination and here:

Avatar Hübner-Monien

Sabine Hübner-Monien

International Coordination


Adenauerallee 24-42

53113 Bonn

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