Search results You are only searching within this website. To find search results for other University of Bonn websites, such as those of the faculties or institutes, please use a search engine. 2608 items matching your search terms. Filter the results Item type Select All/None Folder Medien-Ordner VideourlCT Icon Subsite Language Independent Folder Link Tiles-Seite Collection Event Person Business Card Person Business Card Reference Fontfamily Person Register Image File News EasyForm Page Template-Folder Language Root Folder New items since Yesterday Last week Last month Ever Sort by relevance date (newest first) alphabetically Alexandre Kohlhas (Oxford), 05.04.2023 We document systematic differences in macroeconomic expectations across U.S. households and rationalize our findings with a theory of information choice. We ... Located in Seminars / MEF/ECONtribute Seminar Summersemester 2023 Matthias Rottner (Bundesbank), 12.04.2023 Economists typically make simplifying assumptions to make the solution and estimation of their highly complex models feasible. These simplifications include ... Located in Seminars / MEF/ECONtribute Seminar Summersemester 2023 Nicolas Werquin (FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF CHICAGO), 19.04.2023 We study optimal tax design based on the idea that policy-makers face trade-offs between multiple margins of redistribution. Within a Mirrleesian economy with ... Located in Seminars / MEF/ECONtribute Seminar Summersemester 2023 Andreas Fagereng, 26.04.2023 We use population data on capital income and wealth holdings for Norway to measure asset positions and wealth returns before individuals marry and after the ... Located in Seminars / MEF/ECONtribute Seminar Summersemester 2023 Erwan Gautier (Bank of France), 03.05.2023 In a broad class of sticky price models, theory predicts that the ratio of the kurtosis to the frequency of price changes is a sufficient statistic for the ... Located in Seminars / MEF/ECONtribute Seminar Summersemester 2023 cancelled_Chris Busch (LMU), 10.05.2023 We develop a method that identifies the effects of nationwide policy, i.e., policy implemented across all regions at the same time. In our method, we put ... Located in Seminars / MEF/ECONtribute Seminar Summersemester 2023 Masao Fukui (Boston University) , 07.06.2023 We study the consequences of “regime-induced” exchange rate depreciations by comparing outcomes for peggers versus floaters to the US dollar in response to a ... Located in Seminars / MEF/ECONtribute Seminar Summersemester 2023 Anna Zaharieva (Bielefeld University), 14.06.2023 The most popular method to acquire a job is to use one’s circle of acquaintances or social networks to find a position. However, in the current research, there ... Located in Seminars / MEF/ECONtribute Seminar Summersemester 2023 Johannes Fleck (FED BOARD, MINNEAPOLIS), 21.06.2023 Combining a variety of survey and administrative data, this paper measures the progressivity of taxes and transfers for each of the US states and contrasts it ... Located in Seminars / MEF/ECONtribute Seminar Summersemester 2023 Zsofia Barany (Central European University) 28.06.2023 It is a well-known fact that the college share in advanced countries has been increasing in the past several decades. This is generally attributed to the ... Located in Seminars / MEF/ECONtribute Seminar Summersemester 2023 < Previous 10 items 1 ... 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 ... 261 Next 10 items >