Faculty Career Day
On 12.06.2024 the Faculty Career Day will take place from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the exhibition tent in the parking lot behind the Juridicum..
Department of Economics
Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
Faculty Career Day
Department of Economics

Department of Economics:

is one of the strongest research departments in the field of economics in Europe. Through research and teaching, we aim to contribute to addressing major societal challenges and to provide impulses for effective and evidence-based economic policy. Our focus is on the education of young economists from the bachelor's to the doctoral level.

Warum arbeiten wenig Frauen in MINT-Berufen?

Warum ist der Gender Gap in mathematisch-technischen Berufen heutzutage immer noch so groß? Was haben Schulleistungen damit zu tun? Und wie lässt sich die Lücke endlich schließen?

Girls' Day am Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Am gestrigen Girls' Day öffnete der Exzellenzcluster ECONtribute des Fachbereichs Wirtschaftswissenschaften der Universität Bonn seine Türen für vierzehn junge Schülerinnen, um sie für die Welt der Forschung und der Volkswirtschaftslehre zu begeistern. Die Veranstaltung war ein voller Erfolg und bot den Teilnehmerinnen eine Vielzahl von Einblicken, Aktivitäten und Gesprächen, um ihr Interesse an diesen spannenden Feldern zu wecken.

Strong Showing for the Department of Economics in QS-Ranking

In the current QS ranking by subject, the Department of Economics is in 56th place worldwide and 3rd place in Germany. The rankings are determined based on four or five indicators depending on the subject, including academic reputation, employer reputation, citations and international research and publication networks. 1,559 universities from around the world are compared based on various indicator criteria.

Bonn Graduate Philipp Strack wins Clark Medal

The economist Philipp Strack, who received his diploma from the University of Bonn and his doctorate from the Bonn Graduate School of Economics, has been awarded the John Bates Clark Medal by the American Economic Association. The Clark Medal awards American economists under the age of forty who have made a significant contribution to economic thought and knowledge. It is widely regarded as one of the most prestigious awards in the field of economics and is second only to the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences. Many of the winners have gone on to receive the Nobel Prize later in their careers. Although the Clark Medal is advertised as a prize for US-American economists, it is sufficient for candidates to be working in the USA at the time of the award; US-American citizenship is not required for consideration.

Faculty career day: online application training
03:00 PM - 04:30 PM
Get practical tips on the application process, formulating a cover letter, the ideal CV, the right approach to interviews and much more on the subject of job ...
Infoveranstaltung Arbeitsmarkt für Volkswirt*innen
via Zoom
05:30 PM - 06:30 PM
Wie geht es nach dem Studium weiter? Welche Karrieremöglichkeiten gibt es? Wo kann ich arbeiten? – Diese und weitere relevante Fragen zum Thema Arbeitsmarkt ...
Informationsveranstaltung: Praktikum im Freien Wahlpflichtbereich
via Zoom
06:30 PM - 07:00 PM
Sie überlegen während Ihres Studiums im Rahmen des Wahlpflichtbereichs ein Praktikum zu absolvieren? Wann der beste Zeitpunkt dafür ist und welche Formalia zur ...
Faculty Career Day Economics: Exhibition event
Exhibition tent behind ...
10:00 AM - 03:00 PM
The Faculty Careers Day will take place on 12.06.2024 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. In the exhibition tent in the parking lot behind the Juridicum, many interesting ...


The Department of Economics offers the degree programs BSc "Economics", BA "Economics" (2-subject or accompanying subject) and MSc "Economics".


Are you aiming for a doctorate? The Bonn Graduate School of Economics offers an English-language Doctoral Program (PhD) with an integrated Master in Economic Research for students from all over the world.


Excellence Cluster ECONtribute
© ECONtribute

Excellence Cluster

The ECONtribute Excellence Cluster in Economic Sciences conducts research on markets in the area of intersection between business, politics and society.

CRC TR 224
© Colourbox.de

Collaborative Research Center

The SFB TR 224 deals with equal opportunities, market regulation and financial market stability as societal challenges.

RGT 2281
© RGT 2281

Graduate College

The Research Training Group conducts research on the macroeconomic consequences of inequality and how fiscal, financial and monetary policies should take inequality into account.

Isabel Schnabel Lecture
© Econ Uni Bonn


The department is organized in a departmental structure encompassing scientific and teaching areas and is divided into five institutes for teaching and research.


Study Counseling Bachelor

Vera Häckel


Adenauerallee 24-42


Study Counseling Master & Exchange

Sabine Hübner-Monien


Adenauerallee 24-42

53113 Bonn

Office of the Department

Julia Ferreira Pacheco


Adenauerallee 24-26


Department of Economics

Adenauerallee 24-42
53113 Bonn

Opening Hours Juridicum

Lecture hours

  • Mo - Thu
    08.00 - 22.00 h
  • Fr - Sa
    08.00 - 20.00 h
  • Sunday

Lecture-free time

  • Mo - Thu
    08.00 - 22.00 h
  • Fr - Sa
    08.00 - 20.00 h
  • Sunday
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