Study Abroad - Ways to go Abroad
If you are interested in studying abroad, the Department of Economics offers you several possibilities to organize your studies abroad.
Your Options:

Partnerships of the Department
Study abroad at one of the exclusive partner universities of the Department of Economics.

Global Exchange Program
Study at a partner university of the University of Bonn, which enables you to spend time in Australia, Japan and the USA, among other places.

If you would like to organize your study abroad at a university of your choice yourself, you will find useful information on how to proceed here.

Internship Abroad
Find out here about the available funding opportunities for your study-related practical experience abroad.
More Information
Unsure about your choice of university for a semester abroad? Maybe the experiences of former exchange students will help you.
To finance your study abroad, you can find an overview of the different funding programs here.
Sabine Hübner-Monien