News Job Market Candidates of 2024/25 Tutors wanted Shanghai ranking by subject 2024: Economics in Bonn takes first place in Germany Aapo Stenhammar joins the Department of Economics BGSE application period starts November 15, 2024 Why is everything still so expensive? Prof. Sarah Auster and Dr. Tomáš Jagelka win ERC Starting Grants Interview with BGSE Graduate Francisco Osswald do Amaral Get to know: BGSE Graduate Anna Schulze Tilling Teaching awards for the academic year 2023/24 New Research Group in economic history What drives political opinions? Isabel Schnabel wins the Global Economy Prize 2024 Isabel Schnabel nominated for the Global Economy Prize Warum arbeiten wenig Frauen in MINT-Berufen? Girls' Day an der Universität Bonn inspiriert junge Mädchen für Forschung und Volkswirtschaftslehre QS-Ranking: Strong Showing for the Department of Economics BGSE Graduate Philipp Strack Is Awarded John Bates Clark Medal Mögliche Bombenentschärfung am 8./9. April 2024 in Poppelsdorf Graduation Ceremony on the Hofgartenpark Sollte die Schuldenbremse reformiert werden? Broad majority of global population supports climate action Greix: Immobilienpreise sind 2023 in historisch einmaligem Ausmaß gefallen Why Are People Climate Change Deniers? Reichtum, Rente und Reformen: Neue Folge des ECONtribute-Wirtschaftspodcasts Christian Bayer wins ERC Proof of Concept Grant Steuergelder werden mit „Energiepreisbremsen“ für Unternehmen nicht sinnvoll eingesetzt Job Market Candidates of 2023/24 BGSE application period starts December, 2023 Greix – Real estate prices in Germany fall more sharply again 1 2 3 4 Next 30 items