News News Stereotypes influence whether people buy stocks Moritz Schularick becomes President of the Kiel Institute for the World Economy Morality and political ideology Zainab Iftikhar is new associate professor for macroeconomics Rule changes: Economics library Group Study Rooms BGSE application period starts January 6, 2023 Sustainability more important for young people than high wages Bundesbank Research Award 2022 for excellent theses at the University of Bonn US News & World Report Ranking: Bonn Economics in 2nd Place Wind of Change? Kultur und die Berufstätigkeit von Müttern Job Market Candidates of 2022/23 New Assistant Professor: Hanna Schwank Graduated from BGSE: Rubén Domínguez Díaz The societal costs of climate change Christian Bayer in Gas- & Wärmekommision der Bundesregierung Christian Bayer receives Hermann Heinrich Gossen Award Podcast: Der Gashahn 2.0 How willing are Germans to protect the climate? Clara Brandi appointed as Professor of International Economics & Development Economics. New Video: Is the Impact of Job Loss Equal for Men and Women? Study: How Germany gets through the winter without Russian gas | Moritz Schularick & Moritz Kuhn Lehrpreis des Rektorats für Helene Mass The Wealth of Germans Scientific Advisory Board of the BMWK recommends: Subject-specific Shanghai Ranking 2022: Economics in Bonn takes top spot in Germany Profits caused wages in the financial sector to rise Neue Bachelor-Kombination: Theologie und Wirtschaft ab Wintersemester 2022/23 Verleihung der Lehrpreise für das Studienjahr 2021/22 Eyewitness report by Tetiana Nazaruk < Previous 30 items 1 2 3 4 Next 27 items >